The Digital Photography Book, Volume 2
Scott Kelby, author of the groundbreaking bestseller The Digital Photography Book, Vol. 1 is back with an entirely new book that picks up right where Vol. 1 left off. It's more of that Ah ha that's how they do it,straight-to-the-point, skip the techno jargon; packed with stuff you can really use today, that made Vol. 1 the world’s bestselling book on digital photography.
In Volume 2, Scott adds entirely new chapters packed with Plain English tips on using flash, shooting close up photography, travel photography, shooting people, and even how to build a studio from scratch, where he demystifies the process so anyone can start taking pro-quality portraits today! Plus, he's got full chapters on his most requested topics, including loads of tips for landscape photographers, wedding photographers, and there's an entire chapter devoted to sharing some of the pro's secrets for making your photos look more professional, no matter what you're shooting.
This book truly has a brilliant premise, and here’s how Scott describes it: If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, When I use my flash, the background behind the person I’m shooting turns black. How do I fix that?’ I wouldn’t give you a lecture on flash ratios, or start a discussion on flash synchronization and rear curtain sync. I’d just say Lower your shutter speed to 1/60 of a second. That should do it. Well, that’s what this book is all about: you and I out shooting where I answer questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I’ve learned just like I would with a friend without all the technical explanations and techie photo speak.
Each page covers a single concept on how to make your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you’ll learn another pro setting, tool, or trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. If you’re tired of taking shots that look okay, and if you’re tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, Why don’t my shots look like that? then this is the book for you.
This isn’t a book of theory full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts. This is a book on which button to push, which setting to use, and when to use it. With nearly another 200 of the most closely guarded photographic tricks of the trade, this book gets you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos every time.
Customer Review:
I like this little book because it gets right to the most important aspects of getting a good photograph. The examples are useful and add to the text. A good review that is worth your time.
Customer Review:
Scott, has a way to bring things to simple points. I've been shooting for over 15 yrs and at times you need to go back to the basics. Some very good info. I've relied on to much with my cameras metering system. Granted I shoot fashion, beauty, glamor & artistic where once had a light meter. Used photoshop to correct not that perfect balance at times on those under/overexposed shots. Indeed you can meter bracket but I did buy the Sekonic L-358 light meter and my test shots came out good. I sell my work and rather have less post production and more shooting.
Customer Review:
I bought the 2nd edition of Scott Kelby's book and found it to be quite much so that I then purchased the 1st edition. Don't look for indepth instructions. If you want a quick and succinct answer to your question, this is a good book.
The Digital Photography Book, Volume 1
Scott Kelby, the man who changed the "digital darkroom" forever with his groundbreaking, #1 bestselling, award-winning book The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, now tackles the most important side of digital photography--how to take pro-quality shots using the same tricks today's top digital pros use (and it's easier than you'd think).
This entire book is written with a brilliant premise, and here’s how Scott describes it: "If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, 'Hey, how do I get this flower to be in focus, but I want the background out of focus?' I wouldn't stand there and give you a lecture about aperture, exposure, and depth of field. In real life, I'd just say, 'Get out your telephoto lens, set your f/stop to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and fire away.' You d say, 'OK,' and you'd get the shot. That's what this book is all about. A book of you and I shooting, and I answer the questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I've learned just like I would with a friend, without all the technical explanations and without all the techno-photo-speak."
This isn't a book of theory it isn't full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts: this is a book of which button to push, which setting to use, when to use them, and nearly two hundred of the most closely guarded photographic "tricks of the trade" to get you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos with your digital camera every time you press the shutter button.
Here's another thing that makes this book different: each page covers just one trick, just one single concept that makes your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you'll learn another pro setting, another pro tool, another pro trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. There's never been a book like it, and if you're tired of taking shots that look "OK," and if you’re tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, "Why don't my shots look like that?" then this is the book for you.
Customer Review:
this is the Best book for digital photo tips, very good info from an expert, written with great skill as not to be bland or boring
as Scott says he writes as if he was standing next to you giving you verbal advise.
i thoroughly reccommend this book to any one looking for simple straight forward uncomplicated info.
Customer Review:
The tips Scott provides in the first few chapters alone make this book worth it. I can't wait to read Volume 2.
The Moment It Clicks: Photography secrets from one of the world's top shooters
Joe McNally, one of the world’s top pro digital photographers, whose celebrated work has graced the pages of Sports Illustrated, Time, and National Geographic (to name a few), breaks new ground by doing something no photography book has ever done blending the rich, stunning images and elegant layout of a coffee-table book with the invaluable training, no-nonsense insights, and photography secrets usually found only in those rare, best-of-breed educational books.
When Joe’s not on assignment for the biggest-name magazines and Fortune 500 clients, he’s in the classroom teaching location lighting, environmental portraiture, and how to get the shot at workshops around the world. These on-location workshops are usually reserved for a handful of photographers each year, but now you can learn the same techniques that Joe shares in his seminars and lectures in a book that brings Joe’s sessions to life.
What makes the book so unique is the triangle of learning where (1) Joe distills the concept down to one brief sentence. It usually starts with something like, an editor at National Geographic once told me and then he shares one of those hard-earned tricks of the trade that you only get from spending a lifetime behind the lens. Then, (2) on the facing page is one of Joe’s brilliant images that perfectly illustrates the technique (you’ll recognize many of his photos from magazine covers). And (3) you get the inside story of how that shot was taken, including which equipment he used (lens, f/stop, lighting, accessories, etc.), along with the challenges that type of project brings, and how to set up a shot like that of your own.
This book also gives you something more. It inspires. It challenges. It informs. But perhaps most importantly, it will help you understand photography and the art of making great photos at a level you never thought possible. This book is packed with those Ah ha! moments those clever insights that make it all come together for you. It brings you that wonderful moment when it suddenly all makes sense that moment it clicks.
Customer Review:
My honest opinion of JM's new book is fantastic reading with touches of techniques he uses. I have read half the book and throughout my busy schedule I can't wait to get back to it and read more. Understand that I am not saying that because there is some all new technique that Joe is teaching but the stories are interesting. The tips are probably tips that experienced photographers have known for years. You will not find apertures, shutter speeds and ISOs on every photo nor should you because images are dynamic( I say every because there were a couple I have seen where Joe does mention this type of informationas merely a guage). This is not a how-to book and frankly there are enough of those out there anyway if we take the time to investigate and read them. This is a fun read with some "how I approached this shot" theory and some really cool stories from a phenomenal commercial photographer. The images are typical stunning Joe McNally photography with credits given to many that he has learned from in his years of work. One story still makes me laugh when he talks about going from Spiderman to Wiley Coyote. For a nice twist from your typical photography book with some extremely useful information this is a must buy for any photographer. Maybe I should re-phrase that in saying that any photographer who has their own ideas to produce will find this book of great worth. If you are just looking for step by step how to recreate the exact photo this book probably is not for you. There are many other books out there that will give you that. I really feel that JM was probably trying to put out a book that points you to the right doors in a room full of doors. It is simply your job to take that direction and go through and create your own phenomenal work. In that sense, I think Joe has far exceeded that mission. In world of "I want my stuff to look like Dave Hill, Vincent Versace, Ansel Adams etc (obviously no offense to the amazing creativity by any of these artists ... they are just artists that have such a profound look that you see the photo and you say ... that is a 'fill in the blank') Joe McNally has come out with a book that says create your own style but here's a little helping hand. He gives you a glass of water without filling it up and says 'ok ... now you go fill it up with your imagination, creativity and style'. Isn't that what we want to do with our photography? I would love for someone to look at my work and recognize it as mine without seeing the name on the photo. At that point, you truly have your own style and have arrived with your work. Joe McNally, Vincent Versace, Ansel Adams, Jay Maisel, Henri Cartier-Bresson and many others all have that style. Joe does help lead you to that style with this book.
Customer Review:
The Moment It Clicks: Photography secrets from one of the world's top shooters A must have book for all photographers!!!
Customer Review:
I read this book and found it interesting, although somewhat limiting in its practical application for mere enthusiasts. This is a great photographer no doubt, but I found that the book is 80% about lighting for magazine shoots (think expensive). And unless you're a professional photographer with a large budget, you will never own the lighting gear he uses for those shoots. Since my focus is mainly on nature photography, I found only sporadic tidits of useful advice here. The rest is intriguing in its own right (hey, it was cool to learn how he rented and lit a circus elephant for a studio shoot), but it's not something I can use. I like my books to be more pragmatic. This one is for highly paid pros.
The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers (Voices That Matter)
Scott Kelby was honored with Professional Photographer magazine’s highly coveted 2008 Hot One Award for The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers. Here’s what Jeff Kent, the Hot One Editor at Professional Photographer, has to say about the book: In a how-to published by Peachpit Press, Scott Kelby, best-selling author on Adobe Photoshop, delves into CS3 to uncover the most important and useful techniques for digital photographers. Our judges liked Kelby’s direct approach with step-by-step instructions. In this new edition, Kelby shares even more secrets from the top pros.
Shutterbug magazine chose The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers as a Top Digital Book of 2007. Here’s what Joe Farace of Shutterbug has to say about the book: Scott Kelby's name on a Photoshop book is like the Dodge brand on the front of a pickup truck. You know it’s built RAM or pixel tough. Combining his famous twisted wit with unwaveringly straight tutorials, Kelby takes you through a detailed tour of Photoshop CS3 by showing how to use the new features. No fluff; just page after page of well-illustrated tutorials showing photographers how to get the most out of the new features, commands, and effects found in the latest version of Adobe’s flagship. It will get you up to speed on CS3’s new features faster than you can all by yourself.
Scott Kelby, the #1 best-selling Photoshop author in the world today, once again takes this book to a whole new level as he uncovers the latest, most important, and most exciting new Adobe Photoshop CS3 techniques for digital photographers. This major update to his award-winning, record-breaking book does something for digital photographers that’s never been done before–it cuts through the bull and shows you exactly how to do it. It's not a bunch of theory; it doesn’t challenge you to come up with your own settings or figure it out on your own. Instead, Scott shows you step-by-step the exact techniques used by today's cutting-edge digital photographers, and best of all, he shows you flat-out exactly which settings to use, when to use them, and why.
That’s why the previous editions of this book are widely used as the official course study guide in photography courses at college and universities around the world, and this new edition for Photoshop CS3 exposes even more of the top pros’ most closely-guarded secrets.
Learn How The Pros Do It
Each year Scott trains thousands of professional photographers on how to use Photoshop, and almost without exception they have the same questions, the same problems, and the same challenges–and that's exactly what he covers in this book. You’ll learn:
• The sharpening techniques the pros really use.
• The pros’ tricks for fixing the most common digital photo problems fast!
• How to get great looking prints (that actually match your screen!)
• A whole chapter on the latest, most requested Photoshop special effects!
• How to color correct any photo without breaking a sweat.
• How to process Raw images, plus how to take advantage of all the new Camera Raw features in CS3!
• The portrait retouching secrets only the pros know about!
• How to add real automation to your work.
• How to show your work like a pro!
Plus a host of shortcuts, workarounds, and slick insider tricks to send your productivity through the roof! If you’re a digital photographer, and you’re ready to learn the tricks of the trade;the same ones that today’s leading pros use to correct, edit, sharpen, retouch, and present their work–then you’re holding the book that will do just that.
Customer Review:
On the plus side, the book did give me a bunch of tips and techniques that were very helpful. His explicit approach (as opposed to theory) was generally helpful, but I'm now looking for a book on theory so I can get a better understanding of all the stuff this book doesn't get into.
On the minus side, his constant humor became old, tired and distracting. I'd be OK with some humor, but he went waaaaayyyyyy overboard in this book.
I was also surprised to see so much of the book dedicated to Adobe Bridge (the first 3 chapters) rather than Photoshop. Granted, it was good info and I probably use Bridge more now than I would have otherwise, but hey, I thought I was buying a book about Photoshop!
Customer Review:
The other reviews are right. I tried this book. The authors pathetic attempts at humor are exceptionally distracting and after a short period of time they are intolerable. And they happen much too frequently. I returned the book to the store the same day. There are some great ideas and information in the book. But they are covered over with just plain foolish stories, remarks, and lame jokes. Several other great books on the market and I would suggest one of them instead. Try The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers, or Photoshop CS3 One on One.
Customer Review:
This is a fine book for someone who wants a step-by-step cook book on how to do things with PSCS3. Kellb's humor gets in the way at times but I can live with that as his instructions are outstanding. The book is at my side most of the time Photoshop is running.
Canon EOS 40D Guide to Digital Photography
As the new owner of Canon's most advanced intermediate digital SLR, you want to get started taking professional-looking photographs using all of the exciting features at your fingertips. "Canon EOS 40D Guide to Digital SLR Photography" is a concise introduction and guide to your camera's essential controls and functions, such as Live View, built-in dust reduction, and the blistering 6.5-frames-per-second continuous shooting mode that is an action photographer’s dream. The book provides detailed instructions showing you how, when, and why to make optimized settings with the Canon EOS 40D’s enhanced menus, which include a half-dozen versatile new custom functions. You'll learn about the camera's improved automatic focus, flash synchronization tricks, how to choose lenses that will provide the perspective and effects you want, and which exposure modes are ideal for each picture-taking opportunity. Packed with full-color images and examples that illustrate the recommended techniques and settings for your Canon EOS 40D, this book helps photographers of any skill level begin maximizing their equipment as soon as you open the cover!
Customer Review:
I just bought a 40D and took a chance based on the positive reviews. They were spot on...I am so glad I bought this book. The details and examples have made the transition to this camera easy and educational. If you are thinking about this...go for it. You will not be disappointed.
Customer Review:
This is one of the better books written for a camera. I have owned several other books over the years for my cameras, particularly the DSLR camera, as it is just easier than slogging through the manual. I liked the Dennis Curtin books but they are so cheaply reproduced that I couldn't bring myself to pay for another. This is well written, easy to comprehend, good quality paper and photos. Highly recommend; very useful for a sophisticated camera like the 40D to really learn to use it's many functions.
Customer Review:
This book definitely holds my interest much better than the technical manual that accompanied the camera. The book goes into better detail on the functions in a more comprehensible manner. It is definitely worth the investment to better learn how to operate your camera. Highly recommended.
Photoshop Elements 6 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
Want to get more fun from your photos? To edit and enhance your pictures, fix flaws, and create greeting cards or cool photo projects to share? What about turning out some really professional prints with simply stunning color? Photoshop Elements can handle it, and Photoshop Elements 6 For Dummies gets you up and running on Elements in a hurry.
Photoshop Elements 6 is a reasonably priced, full-featured, powerful image-editing program for Windows (Adobe stopped supporting Elements for Mac with version 4.) This colorful guide helps you make the most of all its coolest features. You'll quickly get familiar with the work area and all the tools; be able to find, organize, and manage your images; correct common mistakes; and explore fun ways to share your photos. You’ll discover how to:
- Acquire images from your camera or scanner
- Organize your files and photos you so can quickly find what you’re looking for
- Crop and straighten pictures, fix exposure, and clean up dust and scratches
- Create sharp and colorful images for printing
- Correct color, contrast, and clarity
- Combine multiple images into creative collages
- Use filters to create different effects
- Turn your photos into slide shows, movie files, or Web-hosted images
Elements has something for everyone, from beginning dabblers to serious photo hobbyists to professionals. With plenty of full-color illustrations that show what you can achieve, this friendly guide will help you use Elements to make the most of your digital photos.
Customer Review:
I was surprised at the complexity of this "Dummies" book. It is not for dummies! But maybe Photoshop Elements 6 is not for dummies either. Chapter 3 "Working with resolutions, Color Modes, and File Fomats" is very difficult to understand. I chose this book because the program itself offers very little help and although there are other books available, I figured dummies was about my speed since I already own 9 other dummies booksPhotoshop Elements 6 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)).
Customer Review:
Excellent book... easy to understand, good explanations, great details... a great addition to the original 'user guide' supplied with program... I will reference it often in my pursuit of perfecting my photographic boo-boo's...
Customer Review:
The book had many helpful sections to it and I was able to understand it...Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi/400D Digital Field Guide
This full-color book is designed to tap the exploding market in serious digital photography with over 250 pages of new and beautiful photos, essential photography how-to information and no-fail formulas for getting great digital pictures with the newly announced Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi/400D. It goes above and beyond competitive digital SLR books with step-by-step techniques that cover exposure, composition, and professional shooting tips on perspective, impact, and more. Charlotte K. Lowrie, author of two previous Digital Field Guides (see below), is an acclaimed photographer who was managing editor of editorial content for MSN Photos and now writes online instructional content for Canon.
Charlotte K. Lowrie (Woodinville, WA) is a freelance editorial and stock photographer and an award-winning writer. Her work has appeared in Popular Photography & Imaging and PHOTOgraphic magazines, and she is the author of the bestselling Canon EOS Digital Rebel Digital Field Guide as well as Adobe Camera Raw Studio Skills, the Canon EOS 30D Digital Field Guide, and Teach Yourself Visually Digital Photography, Second Edition, all from Wiley. Charlotte also teaches photography classes through
Customer Review:
More lengthy discussion of the manual. Half of it is actually in the manual, but the other half makes it worth buying. I have a bit of trouble reading the small print in the original manual, so this larger book is nice.
Customer Review:
I first purchased the Canon EOS Digital rebel XTi 400D by David D Busch. I find Davids book much more compelling in understanding the workings of the REBEL XTi. His format I find was easier to follow and use from a technical format. Charlotte's book is more of a narrative.
Customer Review:
This book really helps you understand the use of the 400D, something missing from most camera manuals. Worth every penny!Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers,The (Voices That Matter)
This book takes you beyond showing you which sliders do what to reveal the secrets of the new digital photography workflow using Adobe Lightroom, and he does it using three simple techniques that make this just a great learning tool: 1) Throughout the book Scott shares his own personal settings and studio tested techniques he s developed using Lightroom for his own photography workflow since well before Adobe released even the first Beta version. He knows what really works, what doesn t, and he tells you flat out which tools to use, which to avoid, and why. 2) The entire book is laid out in a real workflow order with everything step-by-step, so you can jump right in using Lightroom like a pro from the very start and sidestep a lot of productivity killing road blocks and time-wasting frustrations that might have tripped you up along the way. 3) In the last two bonus chapters Scott visually answers his No.1 most-asked Lightroom question, which is: Exactly what order am I supposed to do things in, and where does Photoshop fit in? Scott teaches this by showing every step of the entire process, from the initial shoot to the final prints. Both chapters start with an on-location photo shoot, including full details on the equipment, camera settings, and even the lighting techniques. You ll see it all as he takes the photos from each shoot all the way through the entire workflow process, to the final output of the 16x20 prints for the client.
Customer Review:
The book should be titled Lightroom for Dummies because this book lays out the ins and outs of Lightroom so that anyone can understand it. Each part of the work flow is broken down into it's own individual chapter. From there, whatever it is that needs to be done is further broken down into steps, rather than just a long chapter of reading and technical jargon.
I have used Lightroom on a few occasions, but never knew it's full capabilities until I read this book. I highly recommend it to anyone!!
Customer Review:
This book is so well written-Scott Kelby gives you it ALL every different way to click and his favorite ways. Why beat your head against the wall trying to figure it out. He has done it for you and then some. The time it takes to go thru the book will save you time and grief so many times over. He lives and breathes this stuff- this is how he makes his living and he is real good at it. If he was a surgeon, you would want to be under his knife. This is not a paid endorsement, just someone thankful for a tech writer who can make his topic accessable to all.
Dr Arthur Miller ( not the playwright- although I could write a View from the Bridge. What am I????? Scott also has a wonderful sense of humor.
Customer Review:
First I want to say that buying and shipping with across the ocean was a really pleasant experience. Good price (better than at home).
The book is a very good assistent when working with Lightroom. Easy to read, good examples and I discovered many features of Lightroom that I would not have discovered without this book.
I think that Scott Kelby is a funny man because of his way of writing. This could be disturbing, but to me it wasn't.
I really can recommend Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for Digital PhotographersThe Betterphoto Guide to Digital Photography (Amphoto Guide Series)
Customer Review:
Like many other reviewers that have commented on this book ..... I also purchased Scott Kelby's book (vol.2). I think that this book wins hands down between the two excellent books.
I have been interested in photography for many years, but I just recently purchased a higher-end DSLR camera. Thus, I enjoyed the content of both books. I really enjoy the simplicity of this book. This book utilizes very effective teaching tools that result in the readers quickly learning new techniques and methods of achieving better results.
There really should be no debate.... Both books are excellent learning tools. Enjoy,
Customer Review:
One of the very best books I have read regarding Digital Photography. Ben Long is an expert in his field and is a very good communicator of his acquired knowledge. I have learned many good points from reading his book.I am not a professional photographer but I like knowing how to take great photographs. I am taking a college course in photography and this book is an excellent companion to the concepts being taught.
Customer Review:
This book is like a photography 101 class, with a little bit of information on DSLR's , digital file formats, and digital enhancement. If you already understand aperture, ISO, shutter speeds, basic composition principles, depth of field, etc, you do not need this book. I would get this book for a novice photographer who wanted to generally improve their understanding of basic photography principles.
That being said, the book is easy to read with pretty good images to demonstrate the lessons, and it presents all concepts well. I do think it would be beneficial to someone who has n ever used a camera in manual mode. The "assignments" at the end of each lesson would be especially useful for getting more comfortable with the camera.
Just not what I needed; still a good book for the right level of user.iPhoto '08: The Missing Manual
Apple has taken iPhoto 08 to a whole new level. Now, in addition to handling upwards of 250,000 images, the program lets you easily categorize and navigate through those photos with a feature called "Events". Plus, new editing tools let you copy and paste adjustments between photos. Books and calendars have been improved, too, as has the program's ability to publish pictures on the Web.
Apple makes it all sound easy: drag this, click that, and you're done. But you can still get lost, especially if you're a newcomer. iPhoto '08: The Missing Manual explains how to take advantage of all these powerful tools and new features without confusion or frustration. Bestselling authors David Pogue and Derrick Story give you a witty, objective, and clear-cut explanation of how things work, with plenty of undocumented tips and tricks for mastering the new iPhoto.
Four sections help you import, organize, edit, share, and even take your photos:
- Digital Photography: The Missing Manual offers a course in picture-taking and digital cameras -- how to buy and use your digital camera, how to compose brilliant photos in various situations (sports, portraits, nighttime shots, even kid photography), and how to get the most out of batteries and memory cards.
- iPhoto Basics covers the fundamentals of getting your photos into iPhoto, organizing and filing them, searching and editing them.
- Meet Your Public teaches you all about slideshows, making or ordering prints, creating books, calendars and greeting cards, and sharing photos on web sites or by email.
- iPhoto Stunts explains how to turn photos into screen savers or desktop pictures, using plug-ins, managing Photo Libraries, and even getting photos to and from camera phones and Palm organizers.
Customer Review:
I have showered so much praise on these 'Missing Manual' books it may seem like I am getting paid by David Pogue himself to write these reviews, but I guarantee you that is not the case!!
Full of crisp, clear, color photos that jump off the page, a writing style that is fun and easy to follow, and a layout that is second to none, there simply is no line of books for learning applications on the market that is better than the 'Missing Manual' series.
If you use an application (whatever it is) and you want to learn to use the tool in question, forget going online or taking a class. Either it will be a waste of time, money or both!!! Just look at the name of the app you are interested in, see if there is a Missing Manual book for it and BUY IT.
These books are that good, that impressive, that well written, and that well published. I put the highest stamp of approval on this line by O'Reilly.***** HIGHEST POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION
Customer Review:
Apple really needs to collaborate with Mr. Pogue and put this book in every software application! I was at a loss converting from one system to a Mac but this book has truly made it so much easier for me. I have finally been able to stay off the phone with Apple and work on my photos! Thanks Mr. Pogue! Once again you have come through for me!
Customer Review:
iPhoto 08 was exactly what I needed to get the most from my home photography. It is well written and easy to follow. The price was excellent and the quick service was greatly appreciated.
1 comment:
The Digital Rebel Field Guide is a good quick reference that you can carry around in your camera bag.
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